Wednesday, January 19, 2011

My most sincere apologies for a lack in posting!!!

Where do I start!? a lot has happened since October...soo let's see what I can remember :)

October was a quiet month for the most part...I just kept busy and kept to grades are really important to me...

November was a fun month...let's had surgery on her hand...the day before thanksgiving...that was rough, but only because mom was in pain :( thanksgiving was John & my 9 month was nice that we got to go to the football game with his brother.. I haven't been to a high school football game since I was a freshman in college...a long time ago.. :)

I came back thanksgiving night so I could work all day on black friday at best wasn't as bad as i thought it was going to be...I worked the next day, which wasn't that bad, then headed home. I wanted to be home for my birthday (monday after thanksgiving)...

The night  before my birthday, John took me on a romantic date :) we went to a really cute little Spanish restaurant, and then went out to see Due Date :) it was really funny! he was the first person to wish me a happy birthday at midnight, in person anyway, and that was really sweet :)

Finals came and went like the plague...Before I knew it I was getting ready to go home and have my foot operated on. I was so nervous about it! I took my finals, and headed off to work..little did i know that was going to be my last shift :(

I got home that night and spent some time with John. I  was still nervous, but I tried to keep it to myself. I went to bed, and hoped for the best the next day.

Surgery day came...I was so hungry!  I wasn't allowed to eat or drink anything after midnight the night I was craving nourishment! Mom  & Dad took me to the hospital, tried to keep me calm...Dad cracked jokes to help make me feel a bit better...the anesthesiologist came into the area and told me what she was going to give me..after a bunch of people asked me the same questions I was hooked up to the IV and on my way into surgery.

The next thing I remember was waking up crying in the recovery such a baby! I  went home to start was painful...and if I could I would go back and do a few things differently...

I got my stitches out after christmas, just in time for the weekend away in Killington with everyone! Such a fun weekend :) I hope there's another weekend like that in the very near future!

Today was the first day of undergraduate work for me. hopefully in September, I will be starting my first day of grad school, and getting myself into my career!

that's all the updates I have for now...I might go to once a week in updating this..I have a very busy schedule!

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